Do Female Cats Change After Being Spayed?

Do Female Cats Change After Being Spayed?

Do Female Cats Change After Being Spayed?

Do Female Cats Change After Being Spayed?

If you have adopted a new cat, you may wonder whether to have her spayed. You may be concerned about the effects of the procedure and wonder whether spaying will change your feline's personality. While there are noticeable effects of the procedure, most of them are positive. For many pets, there is no change in their playfulness or affection level. Find out whether female cats change after being spayed.


Spaying your cat


Spaying is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus to sterilize female cats and dogs. The procedure helps to reduce unwanted pet behavior and control animal overpopulation.

Apart from preventing pregnancy, spaying your feline can prevent behaviors like aggression, noisiness, and spraying. If you are not intending to breed your cat, spaying can reduce the risk of certain reproductive diseases.


Risk of Stray Cats


Spaying your cat can reduce the risk of developing certain cancers. It can also protect your cat from injuries from stray cats during the search for a mate. Your cat will be less vocal and less likely to spray their scent all over your home. Cats can have multiple litters in a year, which means trying to find homes for multiple kittens. This can even lead to an increase in the number of stray cats.


After Spaying Surgery


You can expect some behavior changes after your cat is spayed. When you bring your cat home after surgery, you will notice that your pet is more lethargic than usual. She is likely to be sleepy and may appear disoriented. These behaviors are normal after surgery and necessary for recovery.

The effects should take a few days. Aggression and other short-term behavioral changes are associated with pain on the surgical site. Resist trying to lift or play with your cat during the recovery period. Follow the post-operative instructions to keep your pet comfortable.


Watch for abnormal changes.


Some changes can indicate something serious, such as an infection. Your cat may be lethargic for several hours after the surgery, which is normal. However, if this continues for more than two or three days, contact your vet.

Prolonged grogginess could be a sign of an underlying problem or infection. Most cats will not want to eat soon after surgery, but they should eat within 12 hours. Your cat will need food to recover from the surgery. A prolonged loss of appetite could indicate a problem. Swelling, seeping fluids, and red, flushed skin are signs of infection.


Long-Term Effects of Spaying


Some of the behavioral effects of spaying are long-term. Your cat is no longer looking to reproduce. Female cats do not go into heat after surgery. It means they do not experience midnight yowls and other behaviors associated with searching for a mate.

Cats are no longer hormonal after spaying, which means they are more relaxed and spend more time indoors. It can take several weeks for hormones to balance out. In most cases, spaying does not affect the cat’s personality. However, your spayed cat may be more prone to developing obesity due to reduced activity.

Spayed cats are just as lovable as intact pets. Surgical sterilization may seem drastic, but it has benefits for your pet. Most changes are temporary, and your pet will be back to normal within a few weeks. Modifying your pet’s diet will help to prevent obesity.

For more on whether female cats change after being spayed, visit Madison Animal Care Hospital. Our office is in Madison, Alabama. Call 256-461-7575 to book an appointment today. For emergencies, call Huntsville Veterinary & Specialist Emergency at (256) 715-8389.