Just like human vaccinations, those given to animals help them fight diseases and illnesses. Also, by boosting the body’s immune system, pets heal quicker after an injury. Look, people love their pets, regardless of the type. So, it’s essential to do everything possible to ensure their health and happiness. That includes wellness checkups as well.
When talking about pet vaccinations, this isn’t just limited to dogs and cats. Sure, some animals don’t require vaccines, but most do. For anyone who’s unsure as to the type of vaccinations their pet needs, a quick phone call or visit to a reputable veterinarian clinic will provide all the information needed.
Numerous reasons exist for having pets vaccinated that go beyond an animal’s health. As a perfect example, say a child sneaks up behind a dog and gets bitten. Not because the pup is mean but simply startled. If the dog’s vaccinations are up to date, there is little to no risk of that child getting rabies.
Without the proper vaccinations, that child would likely have to undergo painful shots to protect them from rabies…just in case. Also, that would probably prevent the dog from facing quarantine for a period to make sure it’s not rabid or aggressive. The other aspect of this is the owner of the pup wouldn’t face hefty fines.
Another thing to consider is the spread of disease. For anyone who has livestock or raises domesticated animals to sell, one sick animal could easily wipe all of them out. The right vaccinations would protect all of the animals and prevent a costly disaster for the owner.
Up-to-Date Medical Treatments
Remember, top veterinarian hospitals stay current on the dangers of pathogens and other risks to animals. By having a pet vaccinated, not only are they protected from things that have been around for ages but also newly discovered threats.
The fact is that bacteria and viruses cause disease, known as pathogens. By vaccinating an animal, the body can recognize these are invaders. That gives them the necessary time to build up antibodies that protect them but without causing the disease itself.
When vaccinating a pet, vets provide two specific types. One of them kills live pathogens. This option, called an inactivated type vaccine, weakens pathogens so they don’t allow a complete disease process to occur. In other words, they weaken pathogens, which allow the body’s immune system to produce more effective antibodies.
What About Risks?
Vaccinations for animals pose very little risk. Now, while some pets might have a slight reaction, it’s nothing compared to what the disease the vaccine protects against could do. All in all, it’s far better to have pets vaccinated than not. Otherwise, they’re exposed to things their bodies can’t fight. This is especially critical for pets that spend time outside.
Outstanding Veterinarian Care
At Madison Animal Care Hospital, we encourage everyone to have their pets vaccinated. It’s a quick and relatively painless procedure that could save their lives. If you live in or around St. Madison, Alabama, call us at 256-461-7575 for superior care of your beloved pet.