Microchips are minute electronic devices roughly proportional to a single grain of rice. A vet uses a syringe to insert it into your pet. The injection has minimal discomfort to the cat and lasts only a few seconds. Each microchip has a unique identification code, ensuring that none other has a similar number. Microchipping has several benefits for you, the owner, and your cat. They include:
Locating Your Pet
Household cats can easily wander outside your residence and get lost. They face intimidation from other pets, loud noises, or getting out the door without your knowledge. The best chance you have of locating and returning them home is through microchips.
If a neighbor or someone else finds your cat, they can get it to you through the information from the chip. The data is readily available to any vet within your surrounding area.
Protection Against Theft
Irrespective of where you live, there are chances that someone is out there plotting to steal your pet. It is a sad reality, but microchips can help you find them and prove their ownership. It can also help you find their location in case the thief decides to lock them indoors. A vet can scan the unique permanent radio frequency of the microchip to know the cat’s owner if it is lost.
Emergency Cases
A time may come when you need to immediately evacuate from your home due to a disaster or emergency. In such a scenario, you may lack a chance to transport your cat alongside securing yourself. During this time, your feline companion may accidentally leave your home and get lost in the melee. Having a microchip in your pet can help reunite with them despite their location.
The Procedure
Implanting the microchip requires the expertise of your vet. They use a hypodermic needle to inject it between the shoulders of the cat. The injection is slightly bigger than a conventional syringe and causes little pain.
Cats do not require any form of sedation during the brief procedure. The procedure has little to no discomfort for your cat, meaning they do not need recovery time. Medical experts in the industry claim that most felines do not realize that the microchip is in them.
When to Microchip Your Cat
Microchipping your cat has no age limit. It is possible to neuter or spay the animal while still a kitten under local anesthetic. However, it is advisable to microchip your cat before they step outdoors for the first time.
Drawbacks of Microchips
Despite the several advantages of microchipping your cat, there are a few drawbacks to the technology. Microchips can fail or migrate from their initial position under your cat’s skin. They can move to your pet’s limbs without causing the animal any discomfort. The issue is that a vet may not discover the chip if your cat gets lost.
To avoid chances of discrepancies, keep your contact information up-to-date. Doing this helps maintain your peace of mind concerning your pet.
For more information on why you should microchip your cat, visit Madison Animal Care Hospital at our office in Madison, Alabama. Call (256) 461-7575 to book an appointment today. For emergencies, call (256) 715-8389.